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Open Annotation workshop at Stanford, April 9



Web standards watchers may have heard of the Open Annotation (OA) effort--a Mellon-funded initiative to leverage linked data and the inherent fabric of the Web to assert, store and reuse annotations--by anyone, on (nearly) anything. SUL's digital manuscript efforts provided one of the pilot use cases for the original OA rollout, and we're now hosting one of three international workshops to increase awareness of the initiative. 

Have you ever thought about systems, methods or models for 

  • commenting on a blog
  • excerpting & citing a section of a manuscript
  • annotating an image
  • marking up a paper
  • enriching a data set
  • transcribing audio or video?

And then thought about sharing those? Then the OA may be for you. 

An emerging W3C community, its US West Coast Rollout will be at the Arrillaga Alumni Center on Tuesday, April 9. Seats are limited. Please register if you are interested, and help spread the words to colleagues and collaborators who might make it. 

U.S. West Coast Rollout – 09 April 2013 at Stanford University


by Tom Cramer

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