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Sonia Lee named Associate Director for SUL Development



University Librarian Michael A. Keller is pleased to announce that, beginning today, Sonia Lee will be moving into the new role of Associate Director for Stanford University Libraries (SUL) Development. In this new position, Sonia will have responsibility for advancing SUL's stewardship program, coordination of donor communications, management of the Rondel Society activities, and events management. This new and expanded role builds on Sonia's excellent work in the libraries over the past 8 years, and she will continue to be engaged in many of the initiatives she undertook during that time.

Sonia will report to the new Director of Communications and Development for SUL, who is currently being recruited. David Jordan will be continuing in his development role and will also report to the incoming Director.

SUL is delighted to elevate Sonia to this new role and of course we all wish her the very best in continuing her success in these new responsibilities.

By Mimi Calter


Congratulations, Sonia!
Hip hip hooray! Congratulations.

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