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Stanford Libraries Join the Center for Research Libraries



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We're delighted to announce that Stanford Libraries is now a member of the Center for Research Libraries - Global Forum Network. This greatly expands the gamut of research materials that are available to the entire Stanford community.

CRL is a partnership of more than 275 university, college, and independent research libraries. For 60-plus years CRL has acquired and preserved newspapers, journals, documents, archives, and other traditional and digital resources from a global network of sources, and made them available to member institutions through interlibrary loan and electronic delivery.

The Center for Research Libraries provide approximately five million publications, archives, and collections and one million digital resources to its member libraries to supplement their own humanities, science, and social science holdings. CRL has in-depth holdings that support research in history of science, economics, law and government, immigration and population studies, international diplomacy, cultural studies, and more. In addition, a partnership with the Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering and Technology offers access to tens of thousands of scarce journal titles (many of them in foreign languages) to CRL members.

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By Zachary Baker

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