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Library Intern Program showcases SUL's staff



I have worked in the Libraries for a very long time.  I've supervised student workers, temp-casuals, non-exempt and professional staff. Working this summer with the interns, however, has been an experience apart. It's not just because they are smart and eager to learn and help - which they definitely are! It's not only due to the fact that I had work that needed to be done that I would perhaps not have been able to do so myself. No, it's much more than that.

I have seen staff members drop everything to give an intern an impromptu tour of their area. I have seen the staff who are thoroughly engaged in their work share their enthusiasm and enable the interns to see how much more there is to the libraries than they ever thought. I have seen relationships build quickly as staff and intern
find mutual interests. This program has showcased for me how much more than their jobs our staff are.   Overall, this program has been a reminder AND an eye-opener for me as regards our staff. I know that it has been a similar experience for the interns I have worked with.

Thank you to Felicia Smith and Chris Bourg for bringing us this opportunity!

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