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Gary Principal retiring



Gary Principal has been an integral part of the Stanford University Libraries for the last 32 years - all of them in the same position as Shipper/Receiver in the mail room. He retires this week.  As an important contributor to these processes, his influences helping to keep mail room operations flowing will always be valued and remembered.  Gary’s hard work, commitment, and dedication will be greatly missed.

On behalf of everyone in SUL Facilities, we would like to wish Gary the best of luck!

By Edgar Maxion


Gary - it's been great getting to know you over the last year and I will miss your great personality in the mailroom! Have a great time playing that banjo and don't be a stranger my friend!
Have fun on your retirement! We will miss you.
Good luck Gary…and thanks for all the cheer along the way.
Wow, Gary, many congratulations on your retirement! Well deserved. Not seeing you regularly with your hand truck will be very strange indeed.

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