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Stanford's Digital Language Lab: a key resource for Stanford's foreign language program



Stanford University has been named one of the 10 Most Innovative Colleges for Foreign Language Study by Of particular interest, the article highlights Stanford's Digital Language Lab (DLL), which we all know falls under the auspices of SUL. SOPI imageThe article states that the DLL is the go to resource for assessing students’ oral performance, providing resources for online oral assessments and Simulated Oral Proficiency Interviews (SOPIs). Joseph Kautz, Head of the Digital Language Lab, says, "We believe we are number one," but he is just pleased that Stanford is "ranked among some legendary language institutions nonetheless."

Click here to read the article in its entirety.

More information about Stanford's Language Center, or the Digital Language Lab and its many resources can be found at:

The Language Center

Digital Language Lab blog

Academic Technology Specialist Program blog:

by Kelly Fields


I'm an Algerian second year Ph.D. student in applied linguistics, and I would like to benifit from a two weeks training at the level of your lab. How could I apply for such a training? bearing in mind that my original university will cover all the expences.
Thanks in advance.
Contact the Digital Language Lab directly at for more information.

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