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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

SUL Rosette

In “The quest to save today’s gaming history from being lost forever: Changes in digital distribution, rights management increasingly make preservation tough” (ars technica, June 2, 2015), Henry Lowood, curator for the History of Science & Technology Collections and Film & Media Collections in the Stanford University Libraries, said: "If you want to know how the game was played in 2014, you will need documentation about how the game was played in 2014. Having the game available to you in 2064 so that you can play it yourself won't tell you anything about that. It just tells you how you, 50 years later in a completely different environment, will play that game.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Stanford Quad corner and column

SUL has the following new positions this week:
Lead Content Tester, Library Specialist 3 (#67105)
Serials Receiving Specialist, Library Specialist 2 (#67079)

Shipper/Receiver (#67074)

For a complete description of open positions within SUL, go to the Stanford Library Jobs page.

Photo of Mike Keller

Stanford Libraries' very own University Librarian Michael Keller has been named this year's Cuthbertson Award winner and will receive the award on Sunday, June 14, at the 124th Commencement Ceremony.

See the message from Michael A. Keller regarding the Cuthbertson Award.

Mike was featured in the June 10th issue of the Stanford Report:

He was honored "for 22 years of exceptional creativity and strong leadership of Stanford University Libraries, bringing it into the digital age and developing it into one of the premier facilities in the world."

The award commended Keller "for pioneering new paths as the director of Academic Information Resources, while continuing to develop the libraries' superb collections," and "for his clear commitment to scholarly publishing, exemplified in his founding of HighWire Press and ongoing support of Stanford University Press."

He was honored "for understanding the hybrid nature of today's university research libraries, overseeing the transition to technologically state-of-the-art resources where feasible, while ensuring the availability of works unlikely to be digitized in the near future," and "for his innovative and collaborative support of Academic Computing and undergraduate teaching programs."

Keller was commended "for keeping the university's mission and the needs of Stanford's faculty, graduate students and undergraduates first and foremost in mind."

Reprinted in part from Stanford's 2015 Cuthbertson, Dinkelspiel and Gores awards honor librarian, faculty and PhD students in the June 10th issue of the Stanford Report.

Congratulations, Mike!

SUL logo.

Academic Computing Services, which is now part of the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (VPTL), is in the process of closing the Tresidder LaIR computer cluster.  The LaIR is expected to close on June 11th. A comparable computer cluster, along with printing service is expected to open inside the Old Union in the fall.
