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Do you think that your personal Facebook Profile may have been hacked? Learn how to secure your account.

If you don't recognise activity on your advertising account, below are a few things that you should review:

  1. Review your purchase history and account history. Reviewing your purchase history will give you a detailed breakdown of charges on your account. You can click into each Transaction ID to see which advert the transaction was for and how the amount that you spent was calculated.

    Reviewing your account history will allow you to see recent activity on your advert account.
  2. Check to see if you have a daily budget or a lifetime budget. Each time you create a new advert, you'll select a budget for the advert. You'll be able to choose either a daily budget or a lifetime budget. If you set a daily budget but meant to set a lifetime budget or vice versa, you may be billed differently than expected.
    • Daily budget: This is the amount that you've indicated that you're willing to spend on a specific advert set per day. Each advert set will have a separate budget, so bear this in mind if you have more than one active advert set in your account. Your adverts will automatically stop being shown once your daily budget for the advert set has been met for that day. Learn how to edit your daily budget.
    • Lifetime budget: A lifetime budget lets you set an amount to spend over the lifetime of an advert set. Our system will automatically try to evenly spread the amount that you spend across the period of time that you've selected. Learn how to edit your lifetime budget.

    Note: If you wanted to spend a specific amount over the lifetime of your advert, double-check to make sure that you've set a lifetime budget, not a daily budget.

  3. See if your billing threshold was reached. In the Billing summary section of your Adverts Manager, you can view your billing threshold. If your advert is scheduled to run across multiple months, or if it runs longer than the date your billing threshold was met, you may see the remaining balance being carried over to your next bill.
  4. Take a look at this infographic for more information on how billing thresholds work:

  5. Check for other spenders on your account. If you aren't the only person with access to your advert account or the payment method that you're using, it's possible that you might see another person's spend on your bill. If you suspect this to be the case, go to your advert Account Settings in Adverts Manager. In the Advert Account Roles section, you'll be able to see who has access to your account. Contact anyone you know who may have placed an order for adverts with your payment method.

If you've checked these things, can still see purchases that you don't recognise and believe that someone has hacked your advert account, please let us know.

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If your advert isn't receiving the number of impressions you'd expect (or none at all), here are a few things that you can check, such as your account status, budget or advert relevance.

Check this first:

Is your campaign, advert set or advert active?
If your campaign, advert set or advert are not active, you can fix it by turning your campaign, advert set or advert back on.
Did you reach your spending limit?
Was your advert approved?

We review each advert that you create before we start running it to check that it meets our policies. The most common reason why adverts aren't approved is because the images in the adverts contain more than 20% text. If your advert hasn't been approved, you can edit it and resubmit it.

Is your advert scheduled to run in the future?
  • Check that your advert isn't scheduled to run in the future. We'll only run an advert during the time periods that you've specified. To fix this, change the schedule for your advert.

If your advert is active, but still getting too few impressions:

Is your budget too low?
  • When the budget is too low for the size of your audience, it can make it difficult for your adverts to compete with other advertisers who can spend more money to reach the same audience. As a result, your advert may reach fewer people than we predict.
Have you edited your advert multiple times in a short period of time?
It takes our advert delivery system 24 hours to adjust the performance level for your advert. It can take longer when you edit your advert frequently. To fix this, let your advert run for at least 24 hours before you edit it again. Learn more about how long it takes for your changes to happen.
Are the same people seeing your advert over and over?
Adverts that are shown around three times or more tend to decline in performance, even if they were initially very successful. We recommend creating a new advert with a new image or text about once a week. Make sure that you stop your previous advert before running the new one so that they don't compete with each other.
Is your advert relevant to your audience?
  • Once your advert has more than 500 impressions, you can check your relevance score. Your advert's relevance score is based on several factors, including positive feedback (such as clicks or shares) and negative feedback.
  • A low relevance score means either that your advert has performed poorly with your audience or that lots of people are clicking I don't want to see this on your advert. Because more relevant adverts perform better, we'll always prioritise an advert with a high relevance score over an advert with a low relevance score when the adverts are bidding the same amount.

Other scenarios

One of my advert sets is performing better than another
  • Check that your advert sets are targeting different audiences. Our delivery system means that if two advert sets are in competition for the same audience, it is most likely that you'll see one set performing better than another.
  • It's normal for one advert to perform better than another. Adverts are optimised so that adverts with more engagement, such as clicks and shares, will run more frequently to deliver the best performance for your budget. As a result, one advert may get more impressions than another in the same advert set. Learn more about why similar adverts can perform so differently.
My target audiences are overlapping
  • Consolidate some of your overlapping advert sets. If some advert sets are targeting very similar audiences, you could see better results by consolidating them into one with a larger budget.
  • Refine your targeting. Take advantage of location, age, gender, interest and/or behaviour-based targeting to ensure that each advert set has a specific and distinct audience. You can also try creating separate custom audiences (from a pixel or your customer data) or lookalike audiences (of people similar to your best customers) for each advert set.

Additional resources:

Still having problems with troubleshooting your Facebook adverts? Find additional support on our resources page.

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Before adverts are shown on Facebook or Instagram, they're reviewed to make sure that they meet our Advertising Policies. Typically, most adverts are reviewed within 24 hours, although in some cases, it may take longer.

If you receive an email or get a notification from us saying that your advert hasn't been approved, take a look at our policies to understand how you can revise your advert and try again.

If you're worried that your post won't be approved on time, you can always schedule your post early. In the How much do you want to spend? section of advert creation, click Set a start and end date next to Schedule. You can set your advert to start at any time in the future.

Sometimes, we make mistakes. If you think that your advert follows our policies and shouldn't have been disapproved, please let us know.
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In order to keep Facebook safe for people, we review advertising content. In some cases, we disable accounts that don't follow our Advertising Policies. There's a variety of reasons why an advert account may be disabled, so we recommend reviewing these policies and our Terms of Use.

If you think that your advert account was disabled by mistake and that it follows our policies, please let us know. If you were notified that your advert account was flagged for unusual activity, you can contact us using this form.

You can also go to your Adverts Manager and follow the instructions in the red box at the top of the page.

If you've already contacted us, we appreciate your patience while we're investigating.

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If the payment method that you're using to run adverts on Facebook fails, you can try one of these options:

Most payment failures happen when your bank or payment provider experiences an issue processing your payment.

If your advert payment fails, we'll:

  1. Try to charge your primary payment method again.
  2. Try charging another payment method you've set up on your advert account.
  3. If all of your payment methods fail, we'll stop all of the adverts that you're running until your balance has been paid.

During this time, you won't receive any additional charges. Once your balance has been paid, we'll resume any active or scheduled adverts and attempt to make up any lost time to meet the original campaign dates and budgets that you've set.

Additional Resources

If you have any trouble with your payment failing, you can contact our support team.
Manage your adverts

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If you're seeing a problem with how Facebook appears in your web browser, you could have a cache or temporary data issue.

You may be able to fix this issue by clearing your cache and temporary data. You can do this from your web browser's settings or preferences. You'll need to use instructions specific to your browser version and your operating system (ex: Mac, PC):

If this doesn't solve your issue, it may be because you're using third-party browser extensions. We recommend disabling these add-ons before accessing the site again. You can also try using a different web browser.

If you believe that your issue is due to a problem with Facebook, you can let us know.

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My advert keeps being disapproved. Why?See more: Adverts troubleshootingSee more: Pages troubleshooting

Additional support

Find more help at our Advertiser Help Centre